NJACAC Committees

Thanks for your interest in helping move our organization forward! Please take a look at the committees that make up NJACAC below, then fill out our short form to get involved.

  • Admissions Practices

    The Admissions Practices Committee is charged with promoting awareness of ethical practices within the admission process for all institutions including high schools and colleges. The Admission Practices Committee has been charged with creating education materials to help promote the best ethical practices outlined in NACAC’s Guide to Ethical Practice in College Admission (GEPCA) and establish and implement a process for updating the document.

  • Awards

    The Awards Committee reviews nominations and makes recommendations to the Executive Board to recognize members’ contributions to the association and the admission counseling profession. Awards are announced and presented at the annual conference.

  • Bylaws

    The Bylaws Committee shall consist of a chair and at least two members appointed by the President. Its responsibility is to review the Articles of Organization and Bylaws on an annual basis, and to recommend any revisions to these documents for approval by the membership of NJACAC, and to insure their consistency with the governance documents of NACAC.

  • Communications

    The Communications Committee includes numerous subcommittees including website, social media, and media relations. The committee is responsible for the publication of events and activities.

  • Conference

    The Conference Committee, under the direction of the Conference Chair, works to plan the annual conference. This includes but is not limited to planning the schedule, reviewing & choosing workshops, setting up the social, choosing conference events, and setting up tasks for the event. Conference committee members work the day before the conference setting up materials and the days of the conference in various jobs such as registration, ticket collection, and social events management. The committee meets regularly throughout the year – about 6 meetings total not counting the days of the actual conference.

  • DEI

    The newly formed Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) committee is dedicated to fostering a diverse, equitable, and inclusive environment within our organization. We will  focus on implementing initiatives and policies that promote respect, fairness, and representation for all individuals via professional development opportunities, special interest groups, etc.

  • Fiscal Oversight

    The Fiscal Oversight Committee is the Association’s agent for organizing its financial affairs, serves as support for the Treasurer, and keeps an eye on the fiscal matters of the organization. The FOC chairs should be in frequent contact with the Treasurer and the President offering assistance as needed in maintaining the proper procedures and policies in handling the Association’s financial affairs.

  • Government Relations

    The Government Relations Committee (GRC) serves as the legislative arm of NJACAC and liaison to NACAC’s Government Relations Committee. GRC monitors current legislation and policies impacting access to post-secondary education, coordinates advocacy programs, and serves as a resource for legislators on issues concerning the transition to post-secondary education.

  • Inclusion, Access, & Success

    The purpose of the Inclusion Access & Success Committee is to assist and improve the educational welfare of students and assist in the expansion of equal access to post-secondary educational opportunities for underrepresented populations. The committee plans and recommends strategies for implementing a multicultural agenda for the Association and recommends advocacy for legislation affecting the Association’s goals of equity and access.

  • Membership

    The purpose and objectives of the Membership Committee are to promote the goals of the Association, recruit new members, collect dues from existing members, make recommendations to the Executive Board regarding criteria for membership in accordance with NACAC guidelines, and more.

  • Mentorship

    The NJACAC Mentorship Program strives to connect NJACAC members new to the college counseling profession with those having worked in the field for some time. Becoming a mentor/mentee allows the participant to further engage with the NJACAC membership, forging new networking opportunities and professional relationships.

  • National College Fairs

    The National College Fair Committees work with NACAC to develop, promote, and run the National College Fairs in the Meadowlands and Atlantic City. Varying subcommittees are responsible for varying aspects of the fair. The following subcommittees help support NCF: Marketing/Publicity, Workshops, Counseling Center, Hospitality, Transportation, and General Volunteers.

  • Nominations

    The Nominations/Elections committee, lead by the Immediate Past President, is responsible for promoting the Association’s officer positions that become vacant on an annual basis (president-elect, treasurer-elect, secretary, secondary school representative, college representative, delegate). The committee confirms that nominees are NJACAC members and presents the nominees to the Board who will vote to approve the slate. Upon the conclusion of voting, the committee will announce results to the full membership.

  • Professional Development

    The NJACAC Professional Development Committee works to provide professional development programs for guidance and admission counselors. Mini-Institutes are half day programs hosted by our NJ colleges, universities and high schools on important college admission topics. Those in attendance will receive certification from NACAC/NJACAC as a Registered Provider with the New Jersey Department of Education.

  • Scholarship

    NJACAC awards scholarships annually to high school seniors, community college students who are enrolling at a four-year institution, and to a current graduate students who are enrolled in a school counseling or higher education administration program. Each year, the Executive Board sets the number and scholarship amount(s) from their annual budget. Scholarship recipients, parents/guardians and counselors are acknowledged at the yearly Annual NJACAC Conference.

  • Transfer Advocacy/Community College

    The Transfer Advocacy/Community College Committee was established to represent the unique issues and concerns of community college and transfer students. In collaboration with other standing committees this committee deals with matters related to admission practices, scholarships, legislative issues, and professional development as they relate to transfer students.