Membership Benefits
Why should I become a member of NJACAC?
Association Publications
Email news blasts provide members with up-to-date information on what’s going on in the association.
Professional Networking
As a member of NJACAC, you will have the opportunity to meet, work with, and build relationships and friendships with a large network of professionals working in our field. Members represent a wide range of experience and expertise and come from all over the country. Members are also encouraged to get involved with NJACAC committee work and governance activities.
Annual Conference
The annual conference is a two-day event and the highlight of the Association’s professional development year. It is an opportunity for you to sharpen your skills and collaborate with colleagues from high schools, colleges, universities, and your national association. Sessions offer a wide range of topics and have included: Ethical Dilemmas, Standardized Testing, Intercollegiate Athletics, Talking to the Millennials, Self Advocacy & the Student with Disabilities, In-House Marketing, Advising Non-U.S. Citizens, and Rising College Costs.
Each year, NJACAC hosts a series of professional development workshops on college campuses and in high schools throughout the state. Workshops are developed and offered based on current topics and trends and what members want to learn more about. Recent workshop topics include: The New Jersey Educational Opportunity Fund (EOF); An Admissions Symposium; Building Towards the Future; A Day in the Life of an Independent Consultant; and the Paperless Admission Process. NJACAC is an approved provider of professional development hour credits.
Basics Institute
This one-day workshop is held each summer on various college campuses and targets newer professionals in the field. Attendees learn more about the profession and the association from seasoned veterans. School counselors and college admissions professionals within the first three years of their career will benefit from this program.
National College Fairs
NJACAC works with NACAC to host one to two National College Fairs in New Jersey each year. The Atlantic City National College Fair is held each fall and the New Jersey National College Fair is held each spring in Edison. Over 300 colleges and universities participate and each fair has a number of workshops geared toward helping guide students and parents through the college admission process.
College Fair Registry
As a member, you will receive access to the New Jersey College Fair Registry. All high schools, colleges, and organizations hosting a college fair in New Jersey are asked to register their fair with NJACAC. A list of fair dates, times, and contact information is available to all active members.
Membership Directory
A directory of all active members and their contact information is available in the members only section.
NJACAC offers scholarships each year to students who demonstrate a commitment to learning and have demonstrated leadership skills and/or community service involvement. The scholarship is open to high school seniors and community college sophomores whose school counselors/admission counselors are active members of NJACAC. In addition, there is one scholarship available for a graduate student currently enrolled in an accredited school counseling or higher ed administration program.
Monitoring Admission Practices and Advocacy
The Admission Practices Committee works to ensure that sanctioned, educational programs are designed to serve the best interest of students and counselors. Additionally, the Government Relations Committee receives regular reports on proposed or changing legislation which affect education, report issues of greatest concern to the membership and participate in lobbying efforts in Washington, D.C.