News and Updates
Registration Now Open for #NJACAC25 Annual Conference!
Registration is NOW OPEN for NJACAC’s premier event, our #NJACAC25 Annual Conference in Atlantic City, NJ! Register on our secure site here or see more information including sessions and scheduling info here. Questions? Reach out to our Conference Planning Committee here! We hope to see you in Atlantic City this May!
Support NJACAC After the National College Fair on 3/4!
Join NJACAC for a night of games, food, drink, and fun in support of a great cause: NJACAC! After the evening session of the National College Fair in Edison, NJ on March 4th, we’ll meet up at Dave & Buster’s Middlesex to socialize and have fun together.
Call for NJACAC 2025 Annual Conference Session Proposals
This year’s annual NJACAC conference will be taking place at the Golden Nugget in Atlantic City on May 19-20, 2025. At this time, we are still accepting session proposals. Don't miss your chance to share your expertise, practices, or reflections.
NACAC National College Fair Returns to NJ on March 4th, 2025
The NACAC National College Fair returns to NJ on March 4th, 2025 at the NJ Convention and Expo Center in Edison.
National College Fair Returns to Atlantic City on 10/16
After a several-year hiatus, we’re excited to announce that the NACAC National College Fair returns to Atlantic City on Wednesday, 10/16/2024. Students have the opportunity to meet with representatives from hundreds of colleges in-state, out-of-state, and even abroad.
Message from the NJACAC President
As we kick off what promises to be another great academic year, I want to take a moment to reconnect, share some exciting updates, and highlight the progress we’ve made on key priorities.
Message from the NJACAC President
As we look ahead to the summer, I am excited to share with you two key priorities that will guide our efforts in strengthening our organization and enhancing the value we provide to our members over the next few months…
Message from the NJACAC President
Haaaay NJACAC! A year goes by so fast! This is my final monthly message as President and I want to use this opportunity to review some of the major highlights of the 2023-2024 cycle. This is clearly not an exhaustive list.
NJACAC Now Hiring Executive Assistant
The New Jersey Association for College Admission Counseling is seeking a responsible and motivated professional for a part-time position.
Message from the NJACAC President
Haaaay NJACAC! How did it get to be April already? As we enter this season of renewal and rejuvenation, I wanted to provide you with some important NJACAC updates.
Message from the NJACAC President
I can’t believe we have made it to March Madness! As we step into spring, I am filled with gratitude for each of you and the passion you bring to supporting students and their families through all aspects of the college admission process . This month, I am reminded of the importance of embracing change and fostering unity within our association.
Message from the NJACAC President
We have so many exciting things happening in the coming weeks and months. This message will primarily consist of several links and I strongly encourage you to check out some of the great opportunities coming your way!
Call for Executive Board Nominations 2024
The Nominations and Elections Committee is opening the call for candidates to fill positions on the NJACAC Executive Committee for terms beginning May 21, 2024.
NJACAC Award Nominations Now Open
It’s that time of the year again - time to start thinking about nominating a well deserving colleague! NJACAC award nominations are now open.
President’s Statement on FAFSA Delay
I am writing to address the delay in processing and releasing ISIRs (Institutional Student Information Records) to our institutions of higher education.
2024-2027 Strategic Plan
The Executive Committee recently met to solidify the organization’s 2024-2027 Strategic Plan.
Volunteers Needed for National College Fair on March 6th
The NACAC National College Fair returns to the NJ Convention Center in Edison, NJ on March 6th, 2024, and volunteers are needed to help make the event as successful as it’s been in years past!
Message from the NJACAC President
Please take a few moments to review this month’s message which highlights some key updates and important information.
NACAC National College Fair Returns to NJ on March 6th, 2024
The NACAC National College Fair returns to NJ on March 6th, 2024 at the NJ Convention and Expo Center in Edison.
Spring 2024 College Fair Registration Is Now Live
Spring 2024 NJACAC college fair registration is now open!